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Commercial Sealcoating
Over the past few summers, we also have done quite a bit of commercial sealcoating. From private roads to parking lots, we can do almost any job. The difference between other companies and us is that we take the time and care to sealcoat the lot as if it were a residential property. After sealcoating, we have a partner company that can stripe your parking lot. He can paint on handicap symbols, parking spots, or anything else you may need!
OuR PRocess
We take great pride in our consistent and effective process. Every parking lot we seal goes through the following 6-step process.
First Step: Clean the parking lot
This is the most important step of them all because the blacktop will only adhere to a clean asphalt surface. Many sealcoating companies skimp on this step because it can take a lot of time to do right. We take this step very seriously and in fact dedicate a whole truck and crew just cleaning the driveways.
Edging. We use weed wackers to remove any grass growing over the driveway.
Wire brushing. We use handheld and mechanical wire brushes to remove caked-on dirt and moss inside cracks and on the surface. If this fails to remove the dirt, we power wash for no additional charge
Second Step: Fill Cracks
For parking lots, we use a hot-pour crack filler, a thick/rubbery material, to fill larger cracks. We usually do this before sealcoating. This way, each crack is filled and then covered again by the regular sealer. The crack filler makes the cracks much less noticeable and will help prevent more cracks from forming in the winter. Smaller cracks are only filled with the sand in the regular sealer.
Third Step: Sealcoat the Parking Lot
We apply Tarconite, a coal tar-based blacktop, the best material for parking lots. We love Taconite because it is a tough material that lasts longer than oil—or latex-based sealers. It also leaves a clean black finish, unlike oil-based sealers, which leave a shiny, ugly finish.
For parking lots, we spray-apply two coats of sealer. Multiple coats are important because a single coat will wear away quickly. In high-traffic areas like the entrance and exit, we can apply three coats.